
We are a team of artists leading people into the presence of God through music and worship. The Praise Team is a group of band members, vocalists, and sound technicians who lead the church in our worship celebrations. We help the church connect to God’s presence by demonstrating true, sincere, and vibrant worship. We understand that the reason we are part of this team ministry is because of a calling and as an act of service for Christ. During the twenty-minute music segment of our worship service, the praise team hopes to create a set-aside space in time when the congregation, and we ourselves, can meet with the One, True God. BCE enjoys a blended style of worship, employing both contemporary and traditional songs of praise and worship, Scripture recitations, and inspirational readings. A member of the praise team should be a maturing follower of Christ who is an active participant in the overall life of BCE. He or she should reflect a Christ-like image to weekly attendees, be supportive and respectful of other team members, and demonstrate acceptable musical talent.